Fiona Marshall
Accredited Stepping-Out Coach
Fiona is a highly experienced, certified Executive Coach with over 20 years’ experience of leadership development and coaching in private, public and not-for profit sector organisations.
Working with a wide variety of companies, from multi-national corporate organisations to SME’s, she has built a reputation as a highly motivating, challenging and successful developer of people. Fiona is MD of FKM Consulting and works with Board Directors, Executives and Senior Managers at all stages of their leadership careers:
-performance and development coaching to maximise their impact in a new or current role and to prepare for future opportunities
-Career coaching - and now “Stepping Out” coaching - to support clients who need to plan for their future career changes or retirement.
Fiona was previously a Senior Manager with Marks & Spencer, heading Learning & Development for all stores in Scotland. She is also a practitioner of Emotional Intelligence Testing EQi 2.0 and Hogan Leadership Suite Assessments. She lives in Scotland and practices throughout UK
To find out more about “Stepping Out from Top Teams”
please contact Fiona:
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